Muses 餐椅
Muses 餐椅
Muses 餐椅
Muses 餐椅

Muses 餐椅

制造商/出口商/服务商 中国大陆 广东省 广州市

广州亚帝实业有限公司成立于1999年,是一家集设计、研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的大型户外家具品牌商。公司同年创立的Artie(亚帝)品牌是中国户外家具行业最早和最知名的品牌之一,也是国际户外家具市场深具影响力和美誉度的品牌,同时还是最早能够进入法国Maison & Objet(巴黎家居装饰展)的中国户外家具品牌。 亚帝产品远销全球近100个国家和地区,在欧洲、北美、南美、中东、东南亚、国内高端酒店和消费市场,拥有庞大的客户群体。历经18年的专心经营和对市场的观察研究,亚帝在全球率先提出“度假式家具”的概念,把户外家具的功能与价值延伸到精神及文化层面,重新定义了户外家具。亚帝产品均为原创,并都在国内和欧洲已注册专利,展现着国际户外家具高端市场的引领者的风范。



Artie Garden International Ltd., founded in 1999 by Arthur Cheng, was a high-end outdoor furniture company dedicating in development, manufacture and sales for over 20 years. With a factory area of 34,000 square meters, Artie has created numerous original designs and owned 280 patents in Europe and China by the effort of its award winning international design team along with its well-trained experienced employees which more than 300 people. By using fully welded and powder coated aluminum frames with high density synthetic, non-fading polyethylene wicker, Artie ensures its products to have a long time durability against rusting & chipping and resistance to UV, chlorine and salt water. Under years of hard work with strict quality control policies, Artie products are acknowledged as high quality, natural and elegant in appearance by offering real value on usage throughout the world via our experienced R&D department, skilled craftsmen, loyal team of world agents and service-orientated export department.


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