


业务类型 -
成立时间 2014年
公司所在地 浙江省海宁市连杭开发区秋潮路18号
公司网址 http://www.zjfuy.com
邮编号码 314423
员工人数 50-100人
注册资金 壹仟万人民币


浙江福源智能科技有限公司座落于风景优美、气势磅礴的钱塘江边,地处浙江省海宁连杭经济开发区,紧靠杭州下沙高速口、杭州德胜高架出口交通便利。 浙江福源智能科技有限公司注册资金壹仟万元,是一家专业生产钢制寄存系列产品的现代化企业,主营:程控寄存柜、自助寄存柜、更衣柜、信报箱、文件柜及智能快递系统设备。在全国各大省会城市设有销售办事处及售后服务网点。公司以先进的生产设备、雄厚的技术力量、卓越的管理及精良的工艺水平,开创了寄存系列的精品,集国内外寄存柜系列产品的优势,结构严谨、造型美观、品种齐全,样式领先于国内同类产品,并获得多项设计专利和新产品开发荣誉;售后服务高效快捷,深受广大用户的好评,成为工业区内一颗璀璨的明星。 浙江福源智能科技有限公司的主要生产、技术、管理层都是从事寄存柜行业十年以上的精英,我们将以一流的产品质量,多样化的产品,完善的服务做保证,为各界用户提供优质满意放心的产品。 我们的经营理念是:诚信做人、务实做事、合作共赢! “上善若水,厚德载福”,浙江福源期待与各界人士共同进步和发展,共创美好未来! Zhejiang Fuyuan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful scenery, majestic Qiantang River, located in Zhejiang Haining Hangzhou Economic Development Zone, close to Hangzhou Xiasha high-speed, Hangzhou Desheng elevated export transportation is convenient. Zhejiang Fuyuan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a registered capital of ten million yuan, is a company specializing in the production of steel of hosting a series of products of the modern enterprise, Main: programmable storage cabinets, self storage cabinet, locker, letter and newspaper boxes, file cabinets and intelligent delivery system equipment. Sales offices and service outlets in major provincial capitals. Company with advanced production equipment, strong technical force, excellent management and sophisticated technological level, creating a series storage products, domestic outside the storage cabinet series product advantages, rigorous structure, handsome in appearance, complete varieties, style, leading in the domestic similar products, and obtain a number of design patents and new product development of honor; fast and efficient after-sales service by the majority of users of praise, become the industrial zone in a shining star. Zhejiang Fuyuan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. mainly production, technology, management is engaged in storage cabinet industry elite for more than ten years, we will with first-class product quality, the diversification of products, perfect service do to ensure, for customers from all walks of life to provide satisfactory quality assured products. Our business philosophy is: integrity, pragmatic work, cooperation and win-win! "As good as water, common progress and development of great virtue carries happiness with it", Zhejiang Fuyuan look forward to working with people from all walks of life to create a better future!
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