

  • 公司名称 广州茶里电子商务有限公司
  • 业务类型 制造商
  • 主要产品 原叶三角袋泡茶
  • 员工人数 50-100人
  • 成立时间 2013年
  • 地址 广州市海珠区广州大道南788号广一国际电商园6号楼M层ChaLi茶里
  • 邮编
  • 公司网址



CHALI茶里致力于打造东方生活美学的新一代快消茶品牌,通过化繁为简的产品理念、严苛的品质标准,将传统文化、东方生活美学融入品牌,打造健康、时尚、方便的中国好茶,重新连接当代年轻人的生活方式和喝茶的仪式感,让其更好地表达自我,分享美好,传递爱与关怀,人人都能“Be a tea fan”

目前CHALI茶里累计销售茶包超9亿包茶,粉丝用户超1千万, 2021年双十一全网破亿,天猫/京东双平台花草茶类目TOP1,茶类目总榜TOP2;2021年618天猫茶类目总榜TOP1,连续6年天猫双十一花草类目TOP1。2021年京东茗茶618黑马品牌NO.1。 2021年第一财经&CBNData中国新消费年度增长力TOP50品牌2021年第21届中国金马奖“中国酒店业最佳袋泡茶”品牌、2020年度36kr新经济之王最具影响力企业等数十个头部奖项。

CHALI茶里联合中国农科院茶科学研究所建立CHALI茶里CFDS审评体系,牵头制定、发布及实施《袋泡代用茶》以及 《袋泡调味茶》两项标准,重新定义袋泡茶,持续推动茶行业标准化建设;掌握茶叶制造、拼配分级、精加工的核心技术,拥有完善的优质原料供应体系。



CHALI, an upscale tea brand from China, is the professional supplier of tea services. It boasts a core product of triangle whole-leaf teabag with the brand concept“Be a tea fan”, implying that it is determined to make a difference to this generation, and that they are confident of the taste of the tea .

CHALI has established 7 key production bases as the models. By replicating them and developing tea plantations stably, it has formed a standard to produce good tea. Now CHALI is the partner of 137 high-qualified suppliers nationwide.And it’s the owner of 1 research laboratory for tea with over one million young fans CHALI and a daily sale exceeding a hundred thousand tea bags. As a new style tea brand,  has been always drawing attention to the demands of customers. Also, for CHALI’s simplification product idea, strict quality standard and up-to-date packing, the traditional Chinese tea culture has been given the modern characteristics. Those are the reasons why CHALI tea is so popular among the young.
