

上海 上海市


业务类型 制造商/代理商/分销商/批发商/出口商/零售商
成立时间 2009年
公司所在地 上海市松江区泗泾镇九干路251号5-6楼
公司网址 http://www.sjmic.com
邮编号码 201601
员工人数 10-50人
注册资金 未填写


感官嗅觉,已经成为你生活中越来越重要的生活体验。生活在高品质的芳香家居空间将有效提升你的呼吸品质和心情,这,也是赛境实业存在的使命。 Smelling, is become more and more important life experience in your life, living with high-level home fragrance will improve the quality of breathing and delight your mood. This, is also the reason Saijing exists. 上海赛境实业有限公司成立于2009年,是一家专业的生活芳香产品的生产商供应商,主要产品是无火香薰,香包,酒店香薰,香氛蜡烛,香包,扩香瓷,空气清新剂,异味消除剂等产品。产品注重健康环保天然,给大家更纯正的体验,更安心的享受。公司和工厂坐落于全国的时尚中心上海,赛境出品的香薰,不仅是您呼吸的享受,更是视觉艺术的美品。 Shanghai Industrial Co.,Ltd , founded in 2009, as a processional supplier of home fragrance products such as Reed diffuser, hotel fragrance, essential oil fragrance, Scented sachet, Porcelain diffuser , Air refresher, Room spray . And multitude of other home fragrance accessories. The product combines a lot of natural elements and materials, only use environmentally friendly ingredients to keep the earth green. Located in Shanghai, the fashion capital, Saijing’s fragrance products stand the test of fashion and quality, they’re not only for room fragrance, but also a work of art. 细节决定成败,从研发,设计,生产到营销,赛境一体化的服务,深深牢记每款产品背后都在温暖着每户家庭,呵护着每个人的呼吸健康和享受。 Details determine success or failure. From design to testing, from producing to marketing, Saijing deeply remember every Saijing products is warming each family, improves each space the breath quality. 越来越多的客户选择赛境公司出品的香薰,从欧美到亚洲,连接着全世界。无论在家庭,在宾馆,在商场或任何空间,都能见到我们的产品,不论何种合作方式,OEM,OEM,批发,零售,赛境实业牢记时刻提升产品品质,倾听市场的呼声,因为市场是最好的老师。ore and more clients cooperated with Saijing, from Europe to America, from Asia to all around the world, in family, in hotel, in the mall or anywhere, no matter ODM, OEM, wholesale, Saijing people deeply bear in mind that must keep improving the product quality, listen to the request from the market, because market is much harsher than imaged. 对感官呼吸的尊重和承诺,就是赛境实业对质量的追求。 赛境实业---闻香识,便相知 Saijing’s pursuit of quality, is based on respect and commitment to smelling, Smelling is believeing - Saijing
标题 操作