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     广州佐味家食品有限公司成立于2016年,地址位于广州市从化区高新技术产业园宝泰路4号,有广州母亲河之称的流溪河源头就沿自从化区桂峰山西麓,是天然山泉活水,已奔流千年润泽一方,世界上仅有二处珍稀的含氡苏打温泉之一的从化温泉(流溪河温泉)以及世界上北回归线最高的“北回归线标志塔”均坐落从化区,域内是北回归线沿点上少有的“回归上的绿洲”,生生不息、物产丰富,是大广州地区的“后菜园”。     广州是岭南饮食文化的标志性地域,饮食特色鲜香荟萃,“食在广州”是对广府饮食界的最高褒扬,而“广东靓汤”更是广府饮食文化中的精髓。 广东靓汤”讲究食药同源且原汁原味,本公司秉承和发扬“广东靓汤”的制作特色,重金引进日本先进技术的高温高压提取骨汤生产线,生产用水取自流溪天然山泉,主要原料就地取材,最大限度还原了“广东靓汤”独特的食材搭配和急火开锅老火炖煮的技艺,出产的第一大类产品主要有鸡骨原汤(清汤、高汤)、猪骨原汤(清汤、高汤)、牛骨原汤(清汤、高汤)以及用鸭、鱼、海鲜等地道食材生产的各种高端汤类产品,已广泛用于大江南北各类餐饮行业(各种粉、面、火锅汤底和各类汤菜等)、食品工业行业(食品行业客户专业定制)和终端家庭烹饪,广受业界及消费者好评。    公司第一大类产品主要有鸡骨原汤(清汤、高汤)、猪骨原汤(清汤、高汤)、牛骨原汤(清汤、高汤)以及用鸭、鱼、海鲜等地道食材生产的各种高端汤类产品,适用于餐饮行业(各种粉、面、火锅汤底和各类汤菜等)、食品工业行业(食品行业客户专业定制)和终端家庭烹饪,广受业界及消费者好评。       公司第二大类主要产品为调味酱类、风味酱类、调味油类、调味粉类,产品广泛性用于川、湘、粤、浙、徽、苏、闽、鲁八大菜系的调味赋香,深受南北各大餐饮连锁机构、餐饮加盟店、中西餐厅、院校食堂、厨师及家庭烹饪的喜爱及信赖。 Establishing in 2016, Guangzhou Zuoweijia Food Co., Ltd. locates in No. 4, Baotai Road, Conghua High-tech Industrial Zone, Conghua, Guangzhou. The source of Liuxi River as the mother river of Guangzhou city, alongside the west side of Guifeng, Conghua, is a natural spring of active sweet dew. It has been running for thousand years, moistening the people and their living in the area. One of the two rare hot springs with radon in the world called Conghua Hot Spring (Liuxi River Hot Spring) is also located in Conghua district, together with Tropic of Cancer Symbol Tower, the highest symbol tower in Tropic of Cancer. In addition, the area of Conghua district, as the back garden of Guangzhou, is flourishing with different plants and treasuries, praised as rare green land of along Tropic of Cancer.  Guangzhou, a symbol place of Southen China for cuisine, is honored by her special foods. “Eating in Guangzhou” is the highest award to the food circle of the city, while “Canton Soup” is just the essence of such food culture.  Canton Soup focuses on the original taste combining the food together with Chinese herbal. Based on the specialty of Canton soup, our company, selecting the natural spring of Liuxi River as the production water, imports the advanced bone soup production line with advance technology of high-temperature and high-pressure from Japan with heavy investment to produce the different bone soups concentration with local food materials. The character of canton soup is hot fire boiling while over-fire cooking, together with special material association. We are trying our best to apply such character in producing different bone soups concentration. Our 1st series product includes original chicken bone soup (clear soup, thick soup), original pork bone soup (clear soup, thick soup) and other soups coming from the material such as duck, fish, seafood, etc. Such soup concentration has been applied in different restaurant and food shops all over China (such as soup base for rice noodle soup, noodle soup, hot-pot soup and different soup dishes, etc), food industry (as professional customization), and household culinary.   Our 2n series products include different seasoning sauce, flavoring sauce, seasoning oil, seasoning powder, etc, widely flavoring in different cuisines such as Sichuan Food, Hunan Food, Caton Food, Zhejiang Food, Anhui Food, Jiangsu Food, Fujian Food and Shangdong Food. Our sauce has been selected and praised by different Quick Service Restaurant, Restaurant, Chinese canteen or western canteen, schoold canteen, chef and housewife. 






地址: 广东省-广州市

