Founded in 1912, LA MOLISANA S.P.A. is one of the largest pasta producers in Italy with the brands Molisana, Majora etc. The Molisana pasta production is one of the most advanced in the industry, it is made of a set of 10 production lines that guarantee a yearly capacity of 90,000 tons. La Molisana selects the best Triticum durum grows in the warm and dry climate of Molise – it is known worldwide by its high quality and authentic taste from nature.
起源于1912年的LA MOLISANA是意大利最大的意面制造商之一,旗下品牌包括麦丽和麦嘉乐。拥有十条生产线确保每年9万吨的产量,处于行业领先地位。LA MOLISANA选用在意大利莫利塞地区干燥温暖的气候下长成的优质硬粒小麦——在全球范围内其产品以持续高品质及传统天然风味著称。
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